EHS-Environmental Geospatial Information Science Technician

Associate of Applied Science Degree

The EHS-Environmental Geospatial Information Science Technician (ENV GIS TECH) Associate of Applied Science degree provides students with a foundation in the natural sciences and a firm understanding of geographic information systems (GIS). Students will complete courses in chemistry, soils, water resources and environmental science while developing skills in mapping and geospatial data management. General Education requirements are designed to encourage students to develop critical and creative thinking, computation, communication and technology skills. The geospatial thinking component of the program helps students develop the skills to effectively collect, map, manage, and analyze data. The foundation gained from this program will prepare students to address and mitigate complex environmental problems. Employment opportunities in this field are vast and include the energy industry, state government, and federal agencies such as the Bureau of Land Management and the National Parks.

Course Number Course Credits
BIOL 1080Intro to Environmental Science4
CHEM 1000Intro to Chemistry4
CMAP 1200Computer Information Systems3
CPED 1000Co-Op Work Experience I:3
ENR 2050Environmental Field Methods3
EHS 2500Environmental Compliance Technology3
ENGL 2002Technical Writing3
ENR 2040Environmental Regulatory Agencies1
ENR 2425Mountain Environments4
GIST 2310Intro to Geographic Information Systems4
GIST 2410Advanced Geographic Information Systems4
GIST 2110Techniques in Cartography4
GIST 2140Survey of Remote Sensing Applications4
GIST 2135Applied GPS for GIS3
GIST 1200Geospatial Foundations4
MATH 1000Problem Solving3
OEAC 2025Wilderness Navigation1
REWM 1300Intro to Water Resources3
SOIL 2010Introduction to Soil Science4

General Education requirements provide students a general knowledge to help them complete a degree at CWC.

Writing Level I (WR1) 3 credits
American & Wyoming Government (POLS 1000) 3 credits
MATH/APPM/LSCI (in program)
Student must complete six (6) credits of general education courses distributed over two (2) different general education areas, one of which is either WR2 or ORAL.
ARTS/HUM/IT/ORAL/SOC/WR2 (in program)
UNST 1 credits

Total Credit Hours: 62


The EHS Environmental GIS Technician certificate combines hands-on training in field methods and mapping with classroom instruction in environmental science. Students will exit the program with a firm foundation in the field of environmental technology and will enter the professional realm with improved technical skills and a stronger academic background. All of the courses included in the certificate program will count towards completion of an AAS in Environmental Health and Safety – Environmental GIS Technician track.

Program Requirements

Course Number Course Credits
BIOL 1080Intro to Environmental Science4
ENGL 1010English Composition I3
CMAP 1200Computer Information Systems3
ENGL 2002Technical Writing3
ENR 2040Environmental Regulatory Agencies1
ENR 2050Environmental Field Methods3
GIST 1200Geospatial Foundations4
GIST 2110Techniques in Cartography4
GIST 2310Intro to Geographic Information Systems4
MATH 1000Problem Solving3
OEAC 2025Wilderness Navigation1

General Education Requirements

Writing Level I (WR1)/ORAL(in program)


(in program)
UNST1 credits

Total Credit Hours: 31

The EHS Expedition Science Cert II combines hands-on training in environmental and archaeological field and research skills, with techniques in outdoor leadership and geospatial information science and technology (GIST). The student will learn how to  map and present environmental, archaeological and recreation-related data, and will apply mapping skills to field and wilderness based research expeditions. The student will exit the Expedition Science Certificate II program with a firm introduction to the fields of environmental and geospatial science, and new leadership and presentation skills. Depending on course selection, the student may opt to participate in summer long field work in Archaeology and/or internships in other realms. Courses from the EHS Expedition Science certificate program can be applied towards completion of either an Associate of Science in Expedition Science and/or towards the AAS in EHS-Environmental Geospatial Information Science and Tech (ENV GIS TECH).

Program Requirements

Choose at least eighteen (18) credits from the following:

Course Number Course Credits
ANTH 1300Intro to Archaeology3
ANTH 2020Material Culture Studies3
BIOL 1080Intro to Environmental Science4
CPED 1000Co-Op Work Experience I:3
EDUC 1055Introduction to Outdoor Education3
ORTM 2470Outdoor Education Practicum4
ENR 2040Environmental Regulatory Agencies1
ENR 2050Environmental Field Methods3
ENR 2425Mountain Environments4
GEOG 1020Intro to Human Geography3
OEAC 2020Mountaineering:1-5
OEAC 2030Wilderness Backpacking:1-5
OEAC 2031Combined Expeditions:1-5
GIST 2310Intro to Geographic Information Systems4
GIST 2410Advanced Geographic Information Systems4
GIST 2110Techniques in Cartography4
GIST 1200Geospatial Foundations4
GEOL 1070The Earth: Its Physical Environment4
ASTR 1070The Earth: Its Physical Environment4
HLED 2010Wilderness First Responder4
MDIA 2200Electronic Media Production3
Any NOLS Wilderness Course 
OEAC 1380Outdoor Multisport1-3
OEAC 2025Wilderness Navigation1

Total Credit Hours: 18

Let the adventure begin

If you have an interest in anthropology, environmental sciencegeospatial information systems technology (GIST), or outdoor education you can begin your studies and career on top of the Rocky Mountains as part of the Alpine Science Institute at Central Wyoming College.

Student on glacier

Get to know your instructor

Professor of Environmental Science and Health; Director of Instruction and Research at the Alpine Science Institute; Agriculture

Jacki Klancher has been an educator for more than 20 years. Originally from Patricia, Alberta Canada, Klancher has been at CWC for more than 10 years as a professor and she was integral in launching the Interdisciplinary Climate Change Expedition. This undergraduate research program has allowed her to integrate the classroom component of the EHS Environmental GIST and Expedition Science programs with wilderness travel and adventure.


Mara grew up in Lander, Wyoming and loves finding ways to connect students to their local environments and communities. She teaches GIS, environmental science and geography, and she helps facilitate and teach summer backcountry research expeditions.